Thursday, July 13, 2006

Taming the Civil 3Demon: FATAL ERROR of the Day

Today's family of fatal errors has to do with expressions. It is easy to avoid once you know what is causing them, and the "powers that be" are aware of this problem and hope to have a solution soon.

If you get any of the following types of errors when creating parcels that use an expression in their area label style:

FATAL ERROR: Unhandled c0000090h Exception at dd3720eh
FATAL ERROR: Unhandled c0000090h Exception at de1720eh
FATAL ERROR: Unhandled c0000090h Exception at ddc720eh

Just change the area label style to one with no expression, then lay out your parcels, then later change the labels to your style with the expression. To be safe, also save a copy of your drawing or template without that expression style.

This isn't stopping me from using expressions, just stopping me from having my label that includes expressions pop in by default.