Friday, January 09, 2009

Friday Whetstone 1-9-09

Just a few quick things I wanted to share as we get rolling in this new year...

Last year I made a few New Year's Resolutions. Here is a status update on how I did.

  1. I let my subscription to National Geographic lapse, so I no longer have this problem. CHECK!
  2. I kicked the cookie dough habit, and picked up a cheeto habit to replace it. CHECK!
  3. I submitted three. Once got accepted, I was asked to repeat it. So I did two classes, but they were the same. (And it was based on last year's material, so it didn't take that much time to prepare.) semi-CHECK!
  4. It became exhausting to buy anything, and I gave away half of the other stuff in my attic because I just couldn't deal with it anymore. Though I do admit to buying new gloves because the old ones were packed away somewhere that I could not find. NO CHECK!
  5. I used to have a 4 cup coffee maker. Now I have a 12 cup coffee maker. So I still make 4 cups, but its not a full pot. CHECK! Cheating? Maybe.
  6. Panorama is waaay to smart to let me get away with this anymore. CHECK!
  7. While I may not read a book every month, some months I'll read two books. I also count watching episodes of "House" and any Clive Cussler novel movie as reading a smart book. CHECK!
  8. I applied for the P.E. last year. Some of my experience letters didn't come back in time for the October exam, but 4.8 years worth are in the hands of the DAPE right now. There is another 1.1 years out there I am hoping gets signed for in the next few weeks. So April is looking like it might be a winner. Cross your fingers.

This year, my biggest resolution is to rediscover my inner athlete. Secondly, I'm always looking to continue to learn and grow. I've tweaked my list of daily blog reading to include a wider variety of sites- not just CAD and Civil 3D, but industry sites, travel, education, and fun.

One thing I wanted to share with you is this little video about RSS and reading blogs on feed. I've mentioned this before, but it came up again this weekend when my Dad asked what feeds were. If you like reading blogs, but are frustrated by having to check lots of websites and missing new things, watch this little video. Also, if you are already feed reader savvy, share this video with your friends who aren't.

For some more information and a somewhat dated list of blogs that I read, check out this post: Read What Dana Reads.

1 Comment:

CPConsult said...

I have been searching for more sites related to my industry. I build 3D construction models for a living and would like to reach out to others in the same field. We use Terramodel here but i'm intrested in learning more about Civil 3D, as most of the industry seems to use it. I have started my own blog if you would like to visit